Jag Talk

Browsing Archive: April, 2011

Test Run!

Posted by Lindsay Jagodowski on Wednesday, April 20, 2011,

I'm excited for my presentation today - a dry run of sorts for a project proposal.
This project started out to be a basic proposal to the administrators of the school I work at for a Process Theater workshop. The idea being that process theater is the perfect forum for open discourse and learning around the issue of bullying.
As I was doing the research, the interviews, the document analysis ... a thought occurred to me. During this workshop series there would need to be an arc. Volunteer stu...

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Thanks for the introduction

Posted by Lindsay Jagodowski on Sunday, April 3, 2011,
The following post is transferred from a prior journal entry : February 2011

We were assigned to read "The Arts, New Literacies, and Multimodality" By Peggy Albers and Jerome C. Harste and while doing this reading I was introduced to Maxine Greene. Described by the authors as a 'well known philosopher of education' Greene had my attention immediately. I thought 'I LOVE PHILOSOPHY!' and I love education as well, so this person should have some really interesting insights ... I think this is a g...
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Imagine that ... Eureka!

Posted by Lindsay Jagodowski on Sunday, April 3, 2011,
The following post is transferred from a prior journal entry: February 2011

"The notion that imagination ... is an organ of knowledge because it 'creates' being, is not readily compatible with our habits" Gallas

As I read these chapters on Gallas I find it interesting that data doesn't mean tables and graphs alone. The idea that data can include journal entries, interview transcripts, 'artifacts' from students' play and field notes from classroom activities is amazing to me. I often wondered- ...
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The Language of Possibility

Posted by Lindsay Jagodowski on Sunday, April 3, 2011,
The following post is transferred from a prior journal entry: February 2011.

Two weeks of snow! I am amazed at how off kilter I feel starting a class two weeks late because of snow storms and that it did not occur to me until now that there was a possibility of snow days from grad school. I am however excited to begin! Having read the Friere chapters, I find myself intrigued and inspired. What does literacy really mean? In this modern world where technology and information are both progressin...
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 I Remember Galileo

I remember Galileo describing the mind 
as a piece of paper blown around by the wind, 
and I loved the sight of it sticking to a tree, 
or jumping into the backseat of a car,  
and for years I watched paper leap through my cities; 
but yesterday I saw the mind was a squirrel caught crossing 
Route 80 between the wheels of a giant truck, 
dancing back and forth like a thin leaf, 
or a frightened string, for only two seconds living 
on the white concrete before he got away, 
his life shortened by all that terror, his head 
jerking, his yellow teeth ground down to dust. 
It was the speed of the squirrel and his lowness to the ground, 
his great purpose and the alertness of his dancing, 
that showed me the difference between him and paper. 
Paper will do in theory, when there is time 
to sit back in a metal chair and study shadows; 
but for this life I need a squirrel, 
his clawed feet spread, his whole soul quivering, 
the loud noise shaking him from head to tail. 
  O philosophical mind, O mind of paper, I need a squirrel 
finishing his wild dash across the highway, 
rushing up his green ungoverned hillside.
~ Gerald Stern ~
The Way It Is
There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change.  But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can’t get lost.
Tragedies happen; people get hurt
or die; and you suffer and get old.
Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.
You don’t ever let go of the thread.
~ William Stafford ~


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